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Waste pickers in Global South: Informal recycling sector in a circular economy era
In this editorial article for Waste Management & Research (Vol 35, Issue 4, 2017) Dr Costas Velis explores important questions and challenges surrounding the Informal Recycling Sector.
Read the full text here.
Costas Velis, ‘Waste Pickers in Global South: Informal Recycling Sector in a Circular Economy Era’,
Waste Management & Research, 35.4 (2017).
Waste management – still a global challenge in the 21st century: An evidence-based call for action
In this editorial article for Waste Management & Research (Vol 33, Issue 12, 2015 ) Dr Costas Velis and Professor David C Wilson discuss the key findings of the Global Waste Management Outlook, the benefits of sound waste management, and future research requirements.
Read the full text here.
David C Wilson and Costas A Velis, ‘Waste Management - Still a Global Challenge in the 21st Century: An Evidence-Based Call for Action.’,
Waste Management & Research, 33.12 (2015), 1049–51
Circular economy and global secondary material supply chains
In this editorial article for Waste Management & Research (Vol 33, Issue 5, 2015) Dr Costas Velis discuss the concept of the circular economy in relation to global secondary material supply chains, volatile markets, environmental pathways, and the role of the informal recycling sector.
Read the full text here.
Costas A. Velis, ‘Circular Economy and Global Secondary Material Supply Chains’,
Waste Management & Research, 33.5 (2015), 389–91
Cities and waste: Current and emerging issues
In this editorial article for Waste Management & Research (Vol 32, Issue 9, 2014) Dr Costas Velis and Professor David C Wilson discuss the challenges facing cities in developing countries as they divert waste from disposal to recycling, including consideration of the ownership of waste, quality and availability of data, and decision making tools.
Read the full text here.
Wilson, David C, and Costas A Velis, ‘Cities and Waste: Current and Emerging Issues’,
Waste Management & Research, 32 (2014), 797–99.